See: Magical Field of Lights at Nuvali

What better way to cap the festive season but to catch another light and sound show, this time, way down south at Nuvali. 

Magical Field of Lights
Like the ones at Ayala Triangle and Festival Mall, an open field in Nuvali is transformed into a field of glowing and dancing lights. Good for southerners (like me), because other than Festival Mall, we have another place to see this amazing displays during the holidays.

Magical Field of Lights
 Its nice that these shows are free and cater to everyone from all walks of life. Its also nice that these types of attractions really bring out what the holidays are really about, spending time with the people who are important to us, our friends and family.

With Nuvali as another contender for the light and sound show during Christmas, I’m wondering where next? Excited for next year then!
Magical Field of Lights

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