Eat: Escolta at The Peninsula Manila

It's actually surprising that I have been going to Makati for the longest time (and the fact that I've studied in Makati as well) but I haven't set foot in one of Makati's (or probably in Manila's) iconic hotels, The Peninsula Manila.
My friends and I like to eat out so what better way to meet up and have a get together but through a lunch buffet. Good thing one of my credit cards has a 40% off offer so why not take advantage. 

Since this is my first time going inside The Peninsula, first thing that would really stand out is the very big and open lobby with its centerpiece, the sun on the ceiling.

Escolta is spacious, lots of seating available and I liked that it has windows so you can see the garden outside and brings natural light in. It also has skylights for more light which makes the place bright. 

The lunch buffet starts at 11:30 and ofcourse we were already there (plus we were also hungry) so we had time to look around and see the different choices. First thing that caught my eye was the desserts (ofcourse!) and how nice it was presented (I was actually excited to eat dessert already).

Escolta checks out all the typical food selections you would find in other hotel buffets.


Who could resist Cebu lechon, yum!!!

And more desserts please...

We were really enjoying our time, having good conversations over food (what better way to spend lunch). We were there when the buffet opened, and I think we were one of the last people there as well. We only realized we were there for hours when they told us that the buffet will be closing soon. I guess another round of dessert wouldn't hurt.


After lunch, ofcourse, you wouldn't think we'd already leave right? There's always time for more selfies and pictures. We went around the lobby and hung out a little.


Overall it was definitely a good lunch, friends and food is always a good match (plus I finally saw the inside of The Peninsula, yay! I know this won't be the last anyway). 

Now onto the next hotel buffet, the only question is where??? Find out here soon!

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Instagram: @thisischristianjohn


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